Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, November 17, 2002

Israeli Army Reoccupies All Hebron

Israeli army has reoccupied all the Palestinian-controlled section of the West Bank town of Hebron after 12 Israelis were killed and 15 injured Friday night.


Israeli army has reoccupied all the Palestinian-controlled section of the West Bank town of Hebron after 12 Israelis were killed and 15 injured Friday night.

Palestinian residents said Israeli soldiers once again took control of the Palestinian areas of the city Saturday and destroyed three houses.

Israeli soldiers have resumed patrolling Palestinian areas, they added.

Palestinian sources also reported that 41 Palestinians were rounded up in the day and taken for questioning, including four wanted militants.

On Friday, Palestinian militants opened fire and tossed grenades at security forces escorting Jewish settlers walking back to the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba, causing one of the worst casualties in recent days.

Israeli Radio said among the 12 Israelis killed were Hebron Brigade Commander Colonel Dror Weinberg, 38, a Border police officer, two soldiers, four Border Police troops and three civilians of the Jewish settlement in Hebron.

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