Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, November 13, 2002

China Calls for Resumption of Mideast Peace Talks

China calls upon all the parts involving in the Middle East conflict to resume peace talks and stop all kinds of violence in the region, visiting Chinese Mideast special envoy Wang Shijie said Tuesday in Jerusalem.


China calls upon all the parts involving in the Middle East conflict to resume peace talks and stop all kinds of violence in the region, visiting Chinese Mideast special envoy Wang Shijie said Tuesday in Jerusalem.

At a press conference, the Chinese envoy said Middle East peace is not only in the interest of the people in the region, but it will also benefit the world peace and stability.

China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, pays great attention to the situations in the region, Wang added.

The envoy, who arrived here Tuesday morning for a three-day visit to Israel and Palestine, said China opposes all violence against innocent civilians and hopes the two sides solve their conflict peacefully on the basis of the principles of "land for peace".

Israel and Palestine are the last leg of Wang's Mideast mission, which has also brought him to Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

Wang is scheduled to meet Palestinian National Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat in Ramallah on Wednesday and hold talks with Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and other officials on Thursday in Tel Aviv.

Wang said he will convey to the Israeli side the strong desire for peace of the Arab countries, which was expressed by the Arab side during his visit.

Answering questions on the Iraqi issue, the Chinese envoy called upon the Iraqi government to accept the UN resolution 1441 in the benefit of its people.

He added that China upholds that the Iraqi issue should be solved within the U.N. framework through peaceful means.

The senior China diplomat also met with US and Russian envoys to the Middle East in Tel Aviv on Tuesday afternoon.

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