Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, November 11, 2002

Saddam Calls Parliament Session on UN Resolution

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has called on the Iraqi parliament to hold an emergency session to discuss the newly-adopted UN Security Council Resolution 1441, state television reported on Sunday.


Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has called on the Iraqi parliament to hold an emergency session to discuss the newly-adopted UN Security Council Resolution 1441, state television reported on Sunday.

Iraqi parliamentary sources later said the session could be heldon Monday.

"President Saddam Hussein has ordered the National Assembly to convene an urgent session to discuss UN Security Council Resolution1441 issued on Nov. 8, debate the stance on it and refer its conclusions to the Revolutionary Command Council," the report said.

Meanwhile, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri said in Cairo Sunday that his country wants to see more Arab members in the UN weapons inspection and urged early return of inspectors "without provocations."

Sabri made the remarks after a two-day extraordinary meeting of Arab foreign ministers, who welcomed the latest UN resolution in a joint statement released at the end of the ministerial meeting.

Iraq has to confirm within seven days after the adoption of the resolution its intention to "comply fully" with its demands and cooperate with UN weapons inspectors.

Resolution 1441 requires Iraq provide, not later than 30 days, a "currently accurate, full and complete" declaration of all aspects of its programs to develop weapons of mass destruction and systems to deliver them.

"Further material breach" of Iraq's obligations would incur "serious consequences," the resolution warned.

The Iraqi News Agency on Saturday quoted an "official source" assaying the Iraqi leadership is studying the resolution and a final decision would be announced "in a few days."

"Although Resolution 1441 adopted by the Security Council is badand unjust, the Iraqi leadership is studying calmly this resolutionand will issue its reaction in the next few days," the source said.

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