Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, November 09, 2002

Iraq Must Cooperate with UN Unconditionally: Bush

US President George W. Bush on Friday said Iraq must cooperate with the United Nations promptly and unconditionally or it will face "severest consequences."


US President George W. Bush on Friday said Iraq must cooperate with the United Nations promptly and unconditionally or it will face "severest consequences."

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein must "submit to any and all methods to verify his compliance," Bush told reporters in the White House shortly after the UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding the disarmament of Iraq.

Bush said that Saddam's cooperation "must be prompt and unconditional, or he will face the severest consequences."

He also expressed his welcome to the UN Security Council resolution, saying that the UN Security Council has met its responsibilities.

"The United Nations Security Council has met important responsibilities, upheld its principles, and given clear and fair notice that Saddam Hussein must fully disclose and destroy his weapons of mass destruction."

Bush said that the resolution is "a final test" to Iraq, which "must now, without delay or negotiations, fully disarm, welcome full inspections."

The US President also demanded that Iraq allow immediate and unrestricted access to every site, every document, and every person identified by inspectors.

He warned that if Iraq fails to fully comply with the resolution, his country and other nations will disarm it.

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