Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, November 07, 2002

Former Burundian President Under House Arrest

The Burundian government has put a former president under house arrest, alleging he had plotted to topple President Pierre Buyoya, local newspaper Daily News reported Wednesday.


The Burundian government has put a former president under house arrest, alleging he had plotted to topple President Pierre Buyoya, local newspaper Daily News reported Wednesday.

"Jean-Baptiste Bagaza is planning to physically eliminate Burundian President Pierre Buyoya and Speaker of Parliament Jean Minani," Interior and Public Security Minister Salvator Ntihabose told a press conference Tuesday in Bujumbura, capital of Burundi.

Bagaza, who came to power in a military coup, ruled the tiny central African country for nearly 11 years until he was ousted byBuyoya in a 1987 coup.

Ntihabose said Bagaza, a Tutsi known for his hardline stance towards the majority Hutu, is trying to impede the signing of a ceasefire between the government and Hutu rebel groups.

The Buyoya government is now holding ceasefire talks with Hutu rebels in a bid to end the country's nine-year-old civil war having claimed over 200,000 lives and displaced more than 350,000 people.

Bagaza, leader of the opposition PARENA party, is allegedly unsatisfied with the relatively moderate Buyoya government.

Despite being a minority, the Tutsi has been ruling the poor country, but only a few months, since it gained independence from Belgium in 1962.

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