Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Iraq Might Accept New UN Resolution: Saddam

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said on Monday Iraq would cooperate with a new UN resolution as long as it does not serve as a pretext for US strikes on Iraq.


Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said on Monday Iraq would cooperate with a new UN resolution as long as it does not serve as a pretext for US strikes on Iraq.

"If a resolution is passed which respects the UN charter, international law, and Iraq's sovereignty, security and independence, and does not provide a cover for the evil aims of theUnited States, we will consider such a resolution," Saddam told visiting Austrian far-right politician Joerg Haider.

But Saddam reiterated there is "no need for the (UN) Security Council to issue a new resolution," the state-run Iraqi TV reported.

The Iraqi leader's remarks came as the United States is seeking to push through a new UN Security Council resolution which will "automate" the use of force in the event of Iraqi noncompliance in its disarmament.

US President George W. Bush has branded Saddam's regime as part of an "axis of evil," along with Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and accused them of pursuing weapons of mass destruction and supporting terrorism.

He has repeatedly vowed to achieve a "regime change" in Iraq with all the tools at his disposal, including full-scale military strikes.

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