Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, November 04, 2002

Sihanouk: Premier Zhu's Visit is of Great Significance

King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk said Sunday in Phnom Penh that Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji's ongoing visit to Cambodia is of great significance to the traditional friendship between the peoples of the two countries.


King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk said Sunday in Phnom Penh that Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji's ongoing visit to Cambodia is of great significance to the traditional friendship between the peoples of the two countries.

During a meeting with Zhu, the king expressed gratitude toward the support and assistance his country received from the Chinese government and people for long.

He added that Zhu's visit to Cambodia and participation in the regional leaders' meeting being held here show the great importance China attaches to the country and the region.

Zhu arrived here last Friday for an official visit to Cambodia and for participating in the Greater Mekong Sub-regional summit Sunday. He is scheduled to attend a bilateral meeting between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), or 10+1, and another 10+3 meeting together with Japan and the Republic of Korea here on Monday.

China's role in the regional leaders' meetings will be an important contribution to the peace, stability and development of Southeast Asia, the king said.

Zhu conveyed Chinese President Jiang Zemin's greetings to Sihanouk.

He stressed the fact that the traditional friendship between the two countries has been nurtured by the king himself together with Chinese leaders of three generations. The king, he said, has earned deep love and esteem of the Chinese people.

The premier said that broad consensus has been achieved and a number of agreements have been signed during the meetings he had with Cambodian leaders. He described his current visit to Cambodia as a complete success.

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