Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, November 01, 2002

Curfew Re-imposed in Sri Lankan Capital

A curfew was re-imposed in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo amid mounting tensions Thursday following communal clashes on Wednesday which have left one person dead and at least 20 others injured, police said.


A curfew was re-imposed in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo amid mounting tensions Thursday following communal clashes on Wednesday which have left one person dead and at least 20 others injured, police said.

The curfew in the northern and central parts of Colombo, which had been lifted Thursday morning, was re-imposed indefinitely due to the mounting tensions in the areas in the run-up to the funeral of a Muslim victim who was killed in the rioting on Wednesday.

Police and army men were called in to quell the rioting and the situation was brought under control by Wednesday evening.

The clashes were caused by a long-standing land dispute betweenthe majority Sinhalese and minority Muslims in the area over the construction of a religious school. At least five homes and four vehicles were destroyed in the clashes.

The government on Wednesday night appointed a four-member committee to probe into the communal clashes. About 50 people have been taken into custody for questioning in connection with the clashes and investigations are underway.

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