Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Burundi Government, Rebels to Start Actual Talks Tuesday

The Burundian government and Hutu rebels are to start actual talks in Dar es Salaam Tuesday in an effort to end a nine-year-old civil war ravaging the tiny central African country.


The Burundian government and Hutu rebels are to start actual talks in Dar es Salaam Tuesday in an effort to end a nine-year-old civil war ravaging the tiny central African country.

The talks will be between President Pierre Buyoya and Pierre Nkurunziza, leader of the larger faction of the National Council for Defense of Democracy - Forces for Defense of Democracy (CNDD-FDD), according to a statement issued by the South African High Commission on Monday.

The Buyoya government and the Nkurunziza faction held several days of consultations under the mediation of South African Deputy President Jacob Zuma.

The Nkurunziza faction has been demanding the participation of Buyoya, leader of both the transitional government and the army, in the talks aimed at ending the civil war.

The faction, together with the faction of the Palipehutu-Forcesfor National Liberation (Palipehutu-FNL) led by Rwasa Agathon, refused to sign the ceasefire with the government earlier this month at a summit of the Great Lakes leaders on Burundi.

A smaller CNDD-FDD faction controlled by Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye and another Palipehutu-FNL faction led by Alain Mugabarabona inked the ceasefire.

The regional political leaders at the end of the one-day summitissued a stern warning that the remaining warring parties must sign the ceasefire with the government.

More than 250,000 people have been killed in the nine years of civil war touched off in 1993 by the assassination of the country's first Hutu president Melchoir Ndadaye.

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