Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, October 29, 2002

France Opposed Giving 'Blank Check' to US Draft Resolution on Iraq

French Foreign Minister Dominique deVillepin on Monday challenged the U.S. draft resolution on Iraq, which he said would give the United States a "blank check" to unilateral military actions.


French Foreign Minister Dominique deVillepin on Monday challenged the U.S. draft resolution on Iraq, which he said would give the United States a "blank check" to unilateral military actions.

"You cannot have both collective action and unilateral action. You must choose," said de Villepin at a press conference after meeting with Finnish Foreign Minister Erki Tuomioja.

"Once we work in the framework of the United Nations Security Council, we must have the collective responsibility fully exercised. And this collective responsibility can not be delegated," he said.

"We can not work within the United Nations and at the same timeimagine that a blank check can be given (to the United States)," he said.

France and Russia have been opposing to the U.S. pursuit of a single resolution that could authorize the use of force against Iraq.

In its draft resolution submitted last Wednesday, the United States dropped an earlier call for "all necessary means," while threatening Iraq with "serious consequences" -- which in diplomatic terms could include military action.

"We are determined to take our responsibilities in the framework of the collective responsibility because we are convinced that it is the unique way to be really efficient in a crisis," said de Villepin.

"All must be done so that the resort to the use of force be thelast possible option," he said.

De Villepin made these remarks as a key meeting began in New York with 15 Security Council members and UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix.

"We want a resolution, which is clear, firm and determined, which addresses a very strong message to Iraq. And (we want that) the whole of the international community, including the Arab world,would agree to its objective," he said.

"If we want to be efficient, we must be legitimate," he said.

On Saturday, de Villepin threatened that France will submit itsown version of draft resolution to counter U.S. proposals if no agreement is reached at the United Nations.

Over the weekend, he proposed that the Security Council meet atthe ministerial level to try to strike a deal.

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France Opposed to Automatic Use of Force Against Iraq

France to Present Draft Resolution on Iraq


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