Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, October 27, 2002

France to Present Draft Resolution on Iraq

France plans to officially present its own draft resolution on Iraq to the United Nations (UN) Security Council if no agreement is reached with the United States,French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said Saturday.


France plans to officially present its own draft resolution on Iraq to the United Nations (UN) Security Council if no agreement is reached with the United States,French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said Saturday.

"We will try to work with the Americans on the basis of the text that they have proposed. If we reach no agreement, we will officially present our own text," said de Villepin.

Late this week, France has circulated an alternative version, a"non-paper" draft less formal than a "working document," among the members of the Security Council. Russia also circulated its own "non-paper" draft.

France hopes to have a unanimous vote in the Security Council "so as to address a clear and firm message" to Iraq, said the French foreign minister.

"We refuse automatic use of force," he reaffirmed, adding that the use of force could only be the last resort.

In a revised draft presented early last week, Washington seeks a tougher inspection regime while dropping the "automatic use of force."

The UN Security Council on Friday decided to consider separate "non-paper" drafts presented by France and Russia. France's and Russia's challenging drafts were widely seen as surprise moves.

France has previously pledged, for the unity of the Security Council, not to formally table its own draft favoring a two-step solution to have the Iraqi will for cooperation tested on the ground before authorizing actions.

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