Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, October 24, 2002

Bush Signs $355B Defense Bill

US President Bush signed into law Wednesday the biggest military spending increase since Ronald Reagan's administration -- a $355.5 billion package giving the wartime Pentagon "every resource, every weapon and every tool they need."


US President Bush signed into law Wednesday the biggest military spending increase since Ronald Reagan's administration -- a $355.5 billion package giving the wartime Pentagon "every resource, every weapon and every tool they need."

Overwhelmingly approved by Congress, the measure contains a 4.1% salary increase for military personnel, $7.4 billion to keep developing a ballistic missile defense system and $72 billion for new weapons.

With the president contemplating war against Iraq, and U.S. troops involved in an anti-terror campaign across the globe, the law increases Pentagon spending in almost every area for the budget year that began Oct. 1 by a total of more than $34 billion, or 11%, over the previous year. It was the biggest increase in 20 years.

He also signed a $10.5 billion bill financing the building and upgrading of military installations in fiscal 2003.

While Congress gave Bush most of what he requested, lawmakers rejected his plea for a $10 billion fund he could tap without congressional input for combating terrorists overseas.

There was a tinge of politics in the bill signing less than two weeks before elections that will decide which party controls Congress.

Source: Agencies

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