Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, October 24, 2002

Russia Expects UN Agreement on New Iraq Resolution

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yury Fedotov said Wednesday that Moscow expected the UN Security Council, which is holding intensive consultations on a new US draft on Iraq, would work out a text acceptable to all parties.


Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yury Fedotov said Wednesday that Moscow expected the UN Security Council, which is holding intensive consultations on a new US draft on Iraq, would work out a text acceptable to all parties.

"We expect these consultations will manage to agree on a text that will be acceptable to all sides and lay a sound ground for a way out this crisis," said the deputy minister after meeting with chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix.

Echoing earlier statements of Russian officials, Fedotov stressed that the new US draft failed to meet Moscow's requirement.

"A new resolution should ensure the return of international weapons inspectors to Iraq, rather than impose new unrealistic requirements," he said.

Fedotov also called on weapons inspectors to resume work in Iraq as soon as possible to clarify the situation on nuclear programs in that country.

Blix confirmed the inspectors' readiness to begin investigationin Iraq and said they would act "correctly, professionally and strictly in accordance with their mandate and taking into account Iraq's sovereignty."

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