Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, October 24, 2002

First UN Security Council Meeting on US Draft Suspends with no Consensus

The first UN Security Council meeting on a US draft resolution against Iraq suspended on Wednesday evening without consensus, the meeting is to resume the coming Friday, a senior US diplomat said.


The first UN Security Council meeting on a US draft resolution against Iraq suspended on Wednesday evening without consensus, the meeting is to resume the coming Friday, a senior US diplomat said.

"We have one round of preliminary comments by all of the delegations, then it was agreed that this consultation of the 15 members would resume on Friday," US Ambassador John Negroponte told reporters after the meeting.

The suspension would allow "diplomats who are not familiar with the content of discussion that have taken place between the P5 members (five permanent council members) to consult their capitalsand to get instructions," he added.

He refused to giving any details on the discussion inside the council chamber, but admitted that the 15-member council is still divided despite intensified US lobbying efforts.

The 3-hour closed consultation which involved the 10 elected council members, first ever since the US prepared its draft threatening strikes against Iraq nearly a month ago, was called bythe composer following hot debates among the five permanent council members earlier this week.

The first full council meeting called by the US is aimed to grab enough "yes" votes from the council members who can vote but can not veto, a diplomat told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Tobe adopted as a resolution, a draft needs nine "yes" votes from the 15-member council if not vetoed.

The US is increasingly impatient, but it is still too early to say the new draft will get support from all other permanent members, the diplomat said.

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