Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Mubarak Meets US Commander on Iraqi Crisis

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday met visiting US Central Command chief General Tommy Franks over Iraqi crisis, the official MENA news agency reported.


Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday met visiting US Central Command chief General Tommy Franks over Iraqi crisis, the official MENA news agency reported.

The MENA gave no details about the meeting, but noted that Egyptian Minister of Defence Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and US Ambassador to Egypt David Welsh attended the meeting.

Franks' visit to Egypt came at a time when the United States is busy building up its military force in or near the Mideast region in anticipation of an anti-Iraq war.

Franks arrived here Monday night from Turkey as part of his regional tour, which has taken him to Yemen, Bahrain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

The United States has been accusing Iraq of developing weapons of mass destruction, posing a threat to security of its neighboring countries. Iraq denies the allegation.

On Sept. 16, Iraq said it will allow UN weapons inspectors to return to Iraq unconditionally. However, the United States dismissed the Iraqi offer as "a tactic that will fail."

Last Thursday, the United States floated a revised UN draft resolution, dropping a key demand that any new UN Security Council resolution contain an automatic authorization of the use of force if Iraq does not disarm.

The compromise, which came due to firm opposition from France and Russia to the automatic use of force, would give UN weapons inspectors a chance to test Baghdad's cooperation.

However, the United States has claimed that it reserves the right to act unilaterally against Iraq if it considers the UN's response inadequate.

Egypt, like other Arab states, has voiced strong opposition to any such attack.

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