Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, October 17, 2002

France Opposed to Automatic Use of Force Against Iraq

French President Jacques Chirac reaffirmed Wednesday that his country is absolutely opposed to the automatic use of force against Iraq even if it fails to comply with disarmament requirements of the United Nations (UN).


French President Jacques Chirac reaffirmed Wednesday that his country is absolutely opposed to the automatic use of force against Iraq even if it fails to comply with disarmament requirements of the United Nations (UN).

Chirac said Washington insisted on "mentioning in the same resolution a provision authorizing to automatically engage in military actions if they -- which means the Americans -- judge theconditions of inspection are not respected by the authorities in Baghdad."

"There, France is absolutely opposed to (Washington's insistence)," said the French president in an interview here with Future TV and Radio Orient before leaving for a five-day tour of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

The split between the United States and France has deepened in recent days as efforts for a compromise reportedly stalled. So farFrance maintains that the United States must come back to the UN Security Council for authorization in a separate resolution beforeundertaking any military action against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

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