Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, October 13, 2002

State Councilor Praises China High-tech Fair

The annual China High-tech Fair (CHTF) has become an arena for exchanges in international scientific, technological, industrial, educational, investment andfinancial circles, a senior Chinese official said.


The annual China High-tech Fair (CHTF) has become an arena for exchanges in international scientific, technological, industrial, educational, investment andfinancial circles, a senior Chinese official said.

In a letter of congratulation to the China High-tech Fair 2002 which opened here Saturday, State Councilor Wu Yi said the fair has displayed a great number of new achievements China has made inhigh-tech field, as well as the advanced products and technology of well-known multinational companies.

Wu hoped the annual fair would be increasingly successful and that it would make further contributions to the promotion of China's imports and exports of high-tech products as well as to international exchanges and cooperation in high-tech development.

The CHTF has been held annually over the past three years. Thisis the fourth time it has been held in Shenzhen City in south China.

This fair is the largest of the four. Nearly 3,700 companies and institutions from China and 40 other countries and regions throughout the world are participating, including 42 multinationalcompanies. A total of 7,749 high-tech projects are on display.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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