Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, October 11, 2002

Blair Arrives in Moscow to Discuss Iraqi Issue

British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Moscow Thursday for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with an agenda dominated by the Iraqi issue.


British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Moscow Thursday for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with an agenda dominated by the Iraqi issue.

Before his departure for Moscow, Blair said his talks with Putin would focus on the Iraq situation and London was working in "very close contact" with Moscow on that issue.

Russian officials said the talks would also cover the anti-terrorist fighting, the Middle East crisis, the Kaliningrad problem, as well as bilateral economic and military cooperation.

Putin will hold his 12th talks with Blair in his country residence in Zavikovo outside Moscow. Russian news agencies said the two leaders were expected to start their talks on Thursday night and then continue their work on Friday.

Blair's visit is generally thought as an effort to soften Moscow's opposition to military attack against Iraq, as threatened by the US.

While still calling for the earliest possible return of weapons inspectors to Iraq, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Fedotov said Moscow could accept a new U.N. resolution as long as it addressed Moscow's concerns that the resolution not call for the automatic use of force.

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British PM to Fly to Russia for Iraq Talks


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