Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, October 11, 2002

Jiang to Visit US, Attend APEC Meeting in Mexico

Chinese President Jiang Zemin will visit the United States from Oct. 22 to 25 at the invitation of US President George W. Bush, and then attend the 10th Informal Leaders' Meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) from Oct. 26 to 27 in Mexico, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue announced Thursday.


Chinese President Jiang Zemin will visit the United States from Oct. 22 to 25 at the invitation of US President George W. Bush, and then attend the 10th Informal Leaders' Meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) from Oct. 26 to 27 in Mexico, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue announced Thursday.

China and the United States attach great importance to Chinese President Jiang Zemin's upcoming US visit and are busy preparing for the event, said the spokeswoman.

Zhang said at a press conference that the visit would further promote cooperative relations between the two nations.

During their meeting, the third this year, the two heads of state would exchange views on issues of common concern, she said, adding that greater cooperation between the two countries was of great significance to the stability and development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

As part of the preparations, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zhou Wenzhong had just been to the US for consultations, and James Moriarty, senior director of Asian affairs of the US National Security Council, would visit Beijing, she said.

She said Sino-US relations had maintained a positive momentum on the whole and exchanges and cooperation in the economy and trade and the fight against terrorism had progressed.

She believed that with joint efforts, the visit would be fruitful.

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Jiang Zemin to Visit U.S. in October

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