Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, October 06, 2002

No Country Has Right to Change Others' Regimes: Mubarak

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stressed that no country has the right to change the regime of another sovereign state on the eve of the October war with Israel.


Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stressed that no country has the right to change the regime of another sovereign state on the eve of the October war with Israel.

"It is the right of the Iraqi people to choose their leadership,and I believe a vast majority of countries agree with us," Mubarak told the Armed Forces magazine, quoted by the official MENA news agency on Saturday.

"The Iraqi crisis is about arms inspections and not toppling President Saddam Hussein," he told the magazine to mark the 29th anniversary of the October war with Israel, which will falls on Sunday.

Mubarak also warned that an attack against Iraq could lead to a civil war and separation of the country, which is made up of Shiite and Sunni Muslim Arabs, Sunni Muslim Kurds and Turkmens, Christians and other minorities.

"Furthermore, such an assault could lead to a chaos and instability in the whole Mideast region," he said.

"I hope there will be no war, and I have trust in the ability of US President George W. Bush to assess objectively the situation and understand the dangers," he said.

During the interview, Mubarak also lashed out at Israel for having no sincerity to reach a comprehensive peace with the Arabs.

Striking Iraq while keeping silent on what is going on in the Palestinian lands would trigger the people's anger and make the international law lose all credibility, he warned.

On Wednesday, Mubarak called on Iraq to offer "all facilities necessary" for UN weapons inspectors, who have been allowed back according to an agreement signed between Iraq and the United Nations on Tuesday.

The Mideast situation has become even more tense with the United States intensifying threat to attack Iraq to topple Saddam and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalating.

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