Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Chinese Leaders Enjoy National Day Concert with Beijing Audience

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and other state leaders Monday night enjoyed a concert in Beijing Zhongshan Park with over 1,300 Beijing audience to celebrate the National Day, Oct.1.


Chinese President Jiang Zemin and other state leaders Monday night enjoyed a concert in Beijing Zhongshan Park with over 1,300 Beijing audience to celebrate the National Day, Oct.1.

The grand concert started with a duet song "Fragrant Paean" showcased the essence of Chinese folk music and operas, which were performed by young and old generations of singers and artists.

At the end of the concert, President Jiang Zemin, Premier Zhu Rongji and other state leaders walked on the stage to shake hands with the performers.

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