Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, September 30, 2002

Blair Says Saddam must Disarm or Face Action

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Sunday that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein should make a clear choice -- either to disarm or face further action against him.


British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Sunday that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein should make a clear choice -- either to disarm or face further action against him.

Blair said the United Nations should be the route via which the international community should tackle Saddam and force him to get rid of the weapons of mass destruction it suspects he has.

But he refused to rule out the possibility of Britain joining a US-led attack on Iraq if the UN resolution failed and the Security Council refused to sanction military action.

"Saddam and the Iraqi regime have one choice, they either agree to disarm themselves of these weapons ... or alternatively then action will fallow," Blair told the BBC television.

"There is no disagreement about these two essentials: one, that Saddam poses a threat, and two, that he has to be disarmed. The only question is what's the best route of doing it," said Blair, America's closest ally and a strong proponent of the war against Iraq.

"I hope he (Saddam) can be forced by international pressure, but if not then we have to be prepared as an international community to force him to do it the other way," Blair said.

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