Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, September 28, 2002

Non-governmental Charity Program Benefits Poor Chinese

A project initiated by private business people has helped 4.5 million Chinese who used to live in poverty.


A project initiated by private business people has helped 4.5 million Chinese who used to live in poverty.

Since its inception in 1994, the project has received up to 22.9 billion yuan (2.76 billion US dollars) in donations from more than 8,000 entrepreneurs from the private sector, said Hu Deping, vice president of the China Glory Project Promotion Association.

The funds have been invested in local development projects in economically under-developed central and western parts of China.

At a forum on Chinese entrepreneurs' social responsibilities, which opened Friday in this capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, Hu said the project has helped 2.5 million people to raise themselves out of poverty, offered professional training to 1.03 million and assisted 1.04 million in locating employment.

The forum was jointly sponsored by the United Nations Development Program, the China Glory Project Promotion Associationand the China Federation of Enterprises in a bid to appeal to moreenterprises to shoulder social responsibility.

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