Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, September 27, 2002

Israel May Give up Demand that Arafat Hand over Wanted Men

Israel will give up its demand that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat hand over the wanted men besieged with him in his compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah, reported the Ha'aretz Daily's website on Thursday.


Israel will give up its demand that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat hand over the wanted men besieged with him in his compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah, reported the Ha'aretz Daily's website on Thursday.

According to the report, Israel will also agree, under "certain circumstances," that the wanted men are put on trial and jailed in the territories if an appropriate formula can be worked out for them to be placed under "genuine arrest."

The defense establishment reportedly listed several possible scenarios for ending the Ramallah crisis, from a total Israeli concession to insistence on extraditing the wanted men to Israel.

Security officials said that the crisis can only come to an end if Israel gets "a satisfactory result" on the matter of the wanted men, the report said.

Israeli troops have laid siege to Arafat's compound since Sept. 19, demanding the handover of 19 wanted Palestinians, who are holedup inside Arafat's office, the only intact building in his Ramallahcompound.

Early on Tuesday, the UN Security Council approved Resolution 1435 as the United States, Israel's closest ally, abstained from voting instead of using its veto power as expected by Israel.

The resolution demands Israel immediately cease measures in and around Ramallah and withdraw the troops from Palestinian cities to positions it held prior to September 2000 while calling on Palestinians to stop all acts of violence, provocation and incitement.

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