Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, September 24, 2002

UN Resolution Demands End to Reoccupation of Palestinian Headquarters

Despite a US abstention, the Security Council approved a compromise resolution on the Mideast early Tuesday demanding that Israel cease actions around Yasser Arafat's West Bank compound while condemning terrorist attacks.


Amid a resurgence of violence in the Middle East, the UN Security Council on Tuesday adopted a resolution demanding an immediate end to Israeli reoccupation of the headquarters of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in Ramallah.

The resolution, tabled by European countries, was approved by vote of 14-0. The United States abstained.

The council's move was taken after a day-long open debate on the dangerous situation in the Middle East triggered by a new wave of suicide bombing attacks and Israel's siege of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's presidential compound on Sept. 19.

The council reiterated its grave concern at the latest "tragic and violent" events and the continuous deterioration of the situation in the region.

It also expressed grave concern at the reoccupation of the headquarters of the PNA president and demanded an immediate end of it.

The council condemned all terrorist attacks against civilians and called on the Palestinian National Authority to meet its commitment to ensure that those responsible for such acts are brought to justice.

Warning that the severe restrictions imposed on the freedom of movement of Palestinian persons and goods could lead to a humanitarian crisis, the 15-member council called on the parties to respect, in all circumstances, international humanitarian law.

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