Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, September 24, 2002

China Anxious over Mideast Conflict Escalation

China is deeply concerned and anxious over the escalation of Israel-Palestine conflicts in recent days, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue Monday.


China is deeply concerned and anxious over the escalation of Israel-Palestine conflicts in recent days, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue Monday.

Zhang said China harshly condemns the recent suicide bombing in Israel and strongly opposes Israel's large-scale military operations in the Palestine-controlled area, especially its siege on President Yasser Arafat's presidential compound.

The use of force is not only unhelpful to resolve the problem, but intensifies an already tense situation and mutual hatred, she said.

China has taken note of the statement made by President Arafat, in which he urged all Palestinian military groups to stop violent acts against Israel, she added.

She also pointed out that the international community has appealed to Israel to halt the military besieging of Arafat's headquarters.

China urged Israel to actively respond to the appeal and to halt its military action against Palestine, to end its siege upon Arafat's headquarters as soon as possible and to guarantee Arafat's personal safety so as to create conditions for the resumption of peace talks, she said.

China has informed the Israeli government of its stance, she said.

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