Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, September 23, 2002

Chinese Premier Calls for Deeper Asia-European Cooperation

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said Sunday in Copenhagen that it is imperative for Asia and Europe to deepen their cooperation because there have been more uncertain factors in the world's political and economic situation.


Premier Calls for Deeper Asia-Euro Cooperation
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said Sunday in Copenhagen that it is imperative for Asia and Europe to deepen their cooperation because there have been more uncertain factors in the world's political and economic situation.

Attending an Asian leaders meeting on the eve of the fourth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), Zhu said Asian countries should seek more political consensus, closer relationship and deeper cooperation, especially in the fields of economy and trade, with European nations.

He told heads of state and government from other nine Asian nations that under the spirit of solidarity and coordination, Asian countries will achieve these goals so as to make greater contribution to global stability and prosperity.

As one of the two Asian coordinators for the fourth ASEM summit to be held on Monday and Tuesday, Zhu chaired the Asian leaders meeting after he arrived in the Danish capital.

A dialogue meeting, the gathering of 10 Asian nations approved an ASEM political declaration on the fight against terrorism, a political declaration on peace on the Korean Peninsular and a president's statement of the fourth ASEM.

The 10 Asian leaders and representatives will join their counterparts of the 15-nation European Union (EU) at the fourth ASEM summit, a long-term informal dialogue for promoting understanding and cooperation between the two regions.

The ASEM summit is held every two years. The first meeting was held in Bangkok in 1996 as "a formative event", and the second in London in 1998 focusing on Asian financial and economic crisis. And the Seoul summit in 2000 took place at a time when the two regions prepared for their further dialogue and cooperation in the 21st century.

The leaders at their Copenhagen meeting will discuss the international situation in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, new security issues and recent regional developments. They will talk about regional economic and financial priorities in the context of the global economic situation. On social, cultural and educational issues, they will focus on human resources development and educational exchange with a view to "fostering mutual understanding, reducing poverty and increasing employability".

In addition, the leaders, for the first time, will draw the world's attention by holding a "retreat session" to start "a dialogue among cultures and civilizations".

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