Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, September 19, 2002

Burundi Govt. Confirms Mass Killing of Civilians

The government of Burundi confirmed Wednesday that unidentified gunmen had killed 183 people,mostly civilians, in central Gitega province on Sept. 9, according to reports reaching Nairobi from Bujumbura.


The government of Burundi confirmed Wednesday that unidentified gunmen had killed 183 people,mostly civilians, in central Gitega province on Sept. 9, according to reports reaching Nairobi from Bujumbura.

Government spokesman Albert Mbonerane was quoted as saying thatan investigation would determine who was responsible for the alleged massacre in the tiny central African country.

Speaking at a press briefing, Burundi President Pierre Buyoya called for an official inquiry and eventual sanctions against those responsible for one of the worst incidents of mass violence in Burundi's nine-year civil war.

"We must have an inquiry to find out what happened, that is thefirst step, then appropriate sanctions must be imposed against theauthors of such acts, that is the second step," Buyoya added.

The Forces for the Defense of Democracy (FDD) rebel group accused the army of the killings and said it estimated the number killed at 1,200.

Army spokesman Colonel Augustin Nzabampema denied these allegations, adding "this is pure propaganda."

Burundi's Hutu rebels have been fighting the army since 1993 ina war that has killed at least 200,000 people, mostly civilians. Both the army and rebels have been accused by human rights groups of indiscriminate killing.

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