Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, September 04, 2002

France Announces Its Sept. 11 Plans

French and American officials will gather in Paris Sept. 11 to remember the victims of last year's terror attacks and to discuss the challenges posed by the war against terrorism, organizers said Tuesday.


French and American officials will gather in Paris Sept. 11 to remember the victims of last year's terror attacks and to discuss the challenges posed by the war against terrorism, organizers said Tuesday.

A two-day terrorism conference begins with a ceremony in Luxembourg Gardens, where officials will gather at an oak tree planted earlier this year in dirt brought in from ground zero and other attack sites.

French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Lincoln Bloomfield are among those invited to speak at the conference. U.S. Ambassador Howard Leach was also to attend.

Organized by the American Embassy and the Paris-based Diplomatic and Defense Institute, the meeting will assess "the challenges ahead, and how best to orient our resources to defeat terrorism at its roots," said an embassy statement.

On the evening of Sept. 11, a memorial service will be held at Paris' American Cathedral in conjunction with other events led by American religious leaders in the French capital.


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