Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, August 29, 2002

Tobacco Control Forum Opens in Myanmar

The fourth inter-country consultation on Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) opened in Yangon Wednesday, attended by representatives from 10 Asian countries.


The fourth inter-country consultation on Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) opened in Yangon Wednesday, attended by representatives from 10 Asian countries.

Sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), the forum involves Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Maldives, Nepal, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

The three-day forum aims at developing a regional stand on FCTC prior to an international meeting due to be held in October this year in Geneva, Switzerland.

The discussions will mainly cover advertisements of tobacco products, smuggling, duty-free products, price and tax measures, surveys and research, education and public awareness, scientific and legal cooperation.

Myanmar has been responding to the call by the WHO, taking control of the cultivation of tobacco and production of cigarettesand working towards gradual realization of the target of tobacco-free.

It introduced an anti-tobacco plan of action in July 2000 and has been in the process of implementation.

According to WHO figures, Myanmar has been producing an averageof 40,000 tons of unmanufactured tobacco annually since 1990, equivalent to 0.5 percent of the world production.

Official statistics show that In 2001-02, which ended in March,Myanmar produced 2.35 billion cigarettes in number. Among the country's general population, the prevalence use of tobacco is 38 percent. Total tobacco consumption is in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 cigarettes per adult per year.

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