Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, August 27, 2002

HKSAR Gov't to be Economical on Outlays: Financial Secretary

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government said it would endeavor tostay ahead of the competition by cutting out unnecessary administrative costs for the public and the business community.


The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government said it would endeavor to stay ahead of the competition by cutting out unnecessary administrative costs for the public and the business community.

"First of all, we should examine whether the services we provide are still required. If not, then withdraw the services. Ifthey are still needed, we should consider objectively whether we can make better use of the private sector in the delivery of the services," said HKSAR Financial Secretary Antony Leung.

Leung was speaking at the opening of the four-day Civil Service Management Forum Monday, which was to be attended by 14,000 civil servants in Hong Kong.

"Only through this process can we cope with the ever increasing community aspirations with limited resources," he said.

He said administrative efficiency should be emphasized as much as efficient material resource should be.

"If certain work with the community involves other departments, the HKSAR government should examine whether the processes can be simplified or rationalized. If multi-departmental input is essential, can a one-stop-shop be established to simplify the point of contact for the customer?" he said.

Leung stressed that such approaches are needed, regardless of the state of the economy and the surplus or deficit budgetary condition, and irrespective of the size of the fiscal reserves.

"To stay ahead of the competition, we must maintain a state of constant improvement," he said.

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