Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, August 23, 2002

Forum Calls for Sino-Japanese Friendship

Some 170 scholars and social activists gathered Friday in Beijing to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between China and Japan and the 65th anniversary of the July 7th Incident.


Some 170 scholars and social activists gathered Friday in Beijing to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between China and Japan and the 65th anniversary of the July 7th Incident.

Wang Xiaoxian, vice-president of the China-Japan Friendship Association, said great progress have been made in various aspects of bilateral relations over the past 30 years, but the two countries should remember the lessons of history and spare no effort to safeguard peace and prevent the recurrence of the historical tragedy.

The Japanese side should draw lessons from the past and tell its people, particularly the young people, the truth about the historical events and improve its image with concrete actions, she said.

"We hope to work together with Japanese friends for the promotion of Sino-Japanese ties," Wang said.

Nagao Mitzuyuki from Japan also advocated drawing lessons from history in order to uproot the origins of wars in the world.

Zhao Jingtai, a war laborer, and Song Yi, a survivor of Japanese bombing, related their personal experiences during the war and called on young people from both countries to achieve an accurate understanding of history, cherish peace and contribute to the maintenance of the Sino-Japanese friendship for generations to come.

The meeting was held in the Memorial Hall of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in Lugouqiao (Marco Polo Bridge), southwestern suburbs of Beijing.

On July 7, 1937, Japanese troops following their occupation of northeast China started the so-called "Lugouqiao Incident" in southwest Beijing. The Incident signaled the start of the Chinese people's eight-year national war of resistance against Japanese aggression, which caused the death of 35 million Chinese.

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