Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, August 10, 2002

Chinese Lifters Prepare for Asian Games with Eye on 2004 Olympics

The Chinese weightlifters are busy preparing for the upcoming Pusan Asian Games with an eye on the 2004 Olympics.


The Chinese weightlifters are busy preparing for the upcoming Pusan Asian Games with an eye on the 2004 Olympics.

"We are strong in Asia," Wu Shude, head coach of the Chinese men's weightlifting team, said here on Friday. "But our target is the 2004 Olympics. We hope to achieve good results at the Athens Games."

The Chinese strong men claimed four golds and two silvers in all the eight divisions at the 1998 Asian Games. At Sydney' 2000, however, China won only one gold medal.

Despite China's long-standing dominance in the light divisions in Asia, Wu expected tougher challenge at this year's Asiad, whichwill be held from September 29 to October 14.

"In 56kg and 69kg categories, we may meet some threat from lifters of South Korea and Chinese Taipei, while Iran and Qatar lifters are also competitive in the 85kg category." Wu said duringa training session.

China is undoubtedly the world No. 1 in women's weightlifting. At the Sydney Olympics, Chinese women swept all golds in the four categories which they took part in.

But Li Shunzhu, head coach of the women's team, said they felt huge pressure as other countries' lifters are making rapid progress.

"To keep our dominance in this discipline at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics, we have to take hard and scientific training from now on." said Li.

Speaking of the Asian Games, Li said the lack of experience of the Chinese women lifters is a concern.

"Many of them are very young and some have no experiences of international competitions at all." he said.

The four Sydney Olympics champions, except Ding Meiyuan, winnerof the over 75kg category, have dropped out of the national team.

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