Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, August 11, 2002

No Timetable for Deciding on Iraqi Issue: Bush

US President George W. Bush said Friday he has no timetable for making a decision on whether to carry out a military strike to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the decision might not come to a decision this year.


US President George W. Bush said Friday he has no timetable for making a decision on whether to carry out a military strike to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the decision might not come to a decision this year.

"If I did, I wouldn't tell you or the enemy," Bush said in Crawford, Texas, in an interview with US media.

Asked whether he would make a decision this year, the US president responded: "not necessarily." As to the ongoing domesticdebate on the Iraqi issue, Bush said such debate is appropriate.

Bush, accusing Iraq of developing weapons of mass destruction, has repeatedly vowed to use whatever tools at his disposal to seeka regime change in Iraq.

This is the first time for Bush to suggest that he may not order a military strike against Iraq this year.

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