Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, August 04, 2002

Iranian President Urges Iraq to Comply with UN Resolutions

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami on Saturday requested Iraq to cooperate with the United Nations as US military attack looms large in the region.


Iranian President Mohammad Khatami on Saturday requested Iraq to cooperate with the United Nations as US military attack looms large in the region.

During a meeting with visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal, Khatami said it would be preferable for the states neighboring Iraq to convince the Iraqi authorities to respect the UN resolutions so as to prevent any assault, state television reported.

Khatami highlighted the need for the regional countries to try to boost cooperation among themselves to be in a position to defendIslam as well as the peace and stability in the region.

Commenting on Iran and Saudi Arabia's strategic locations, Khatami said the bilateral cooperation would benefit both states and the entire region.

The Iranian president warned that interference of certain big powers would threaten the peace and security of other countries, adding that their iron-policy on meddling in internal affairs of other nations jeopardized global peace and security.

For his part, Al-Faisal termed as "critical" the situation in the Mideast region and called for enhancing unity and solidarity among Muslim nations under the present sensitive circumstances.

He called on Muslim countries to boost the cooperation as a way to prevent foreign powers from abusing the difference of viewpointsand to avoid the scenario of fishing in the troubled waters.

On the Iraqi issue, Al-Faisal said it would not be solved by military action since any attack on Iraq would cause irreparable damage on Iraq and other neighboring states.

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