Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Chinese, DPRK FMs Vow to Enhance Traditional Cooperation

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Paek Nam Sun, his counterpart of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), agreed to further expand traditional friendship and cooperation between the two neighboring nations.


Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Paek Nam Sun, his counterpart of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), agreed to further expand traditional friendship and cooperation between the two neighboring nations.

In a bilateral meet Wednesday on the sidelines of the ongoing annual gatherings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the two ministers amicably exchanged views on bilateral relations and other issues of common interests.

Tang noted that the traditional and time-tested China-DPRK friendship has made new progress during recent years.

He stressed that Chinese top leader Jiang Zemin and his DPRK counterpart Kim Jong Il have already reached consensus to elevate bilateral ties to a new high in the spirit of carrying on the goodtradition, looking forward to the future and promoting bilateral ties of good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation.

Tang pledged that the Chinese side will make efforts to realizethe consensus and the Chinese Foreign Ministry will also continue to take concrete steps in this direction.

He said he was glad to see that DPRK has made lots of success in economic development and external relations during recent yearsand believed that the DPRK government and its people will achieve more in the future.

Affirming Tang's comments on bilateral ties, Paek said developing the strategic relationship between China and the DPRK is the common wish of peoples of the two countries and well fits their common interests.

He said the DPRK government will continue to consolidate and develop the bilateral relationship.

Paek congratulated Tang on China's achievements in building a socialist system with Chinese characteristics, which, he said, areattributed to the right policies of the Chinese government.

He said the DPRK was pleased to see that the two countries always cooperate closely with each other in international affairs.

On the situation in the Korean Peninsula, Tang said China supports DPRK's bid to improve inter-Korean relations and achieve self-determined peaceful reunification.

He said the DPRK's recent proposals for resuming inter-Korean dialogue, inviting a US envoy to visit DPRK and holding bilateral talks with Japan, demonstrated that the DPRK's strong will to maintain peace and improve surrounding environments.

China holds that the Korean issue should be settled peacefully through negotiations and would like to see the DPRK to improve relations with South Korea, Japan and the United States, Tang noted.

Paek said the DPRK has already proposed to resume inter-Korean ministerial talks and is willing to mend relations with Japan and the United States.

He urged Japan and the United States to demonstrate their sincerity to solve their problems with the DPRK.

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