Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, July 30, 2002

China National Shooters Gear up for Asian Games

China national shooting team began to gear up for the Busan Asiad, which will run from September 29 to October 14 in the South Korean city, on Monday at Qingzhen training center in China's southwestern province of Guizhou.


China national shooting team began to gear up for the Busan Asiad, which will run from September 29 to October 14 in the South Korean city, on Monday at Qingzhen training center in China's southwestern province of Guizhou.

The Chinese shooters, led by the head coach Xu haifeng, arrivedin Guiyang, provincial capital of Guizhou, on July 18.

Taking part in the training are more than 40 players including some Olympic champions and world champions such as Tao luna, li duihong and Cai yalin. The training will end on August 23.

Qingzheng training center covers 2.7 square kilometers, providing with training gymnasiums for shooting, gymnastics, and track and field. It is also fully equipped with athletes reception center, recovery center and scientific and research equipment. It can hold 500 people training or competing at the same time.

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