Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Megawati Backs Direct Presidential Election in 2004

In a sudden about-face, President Megawati Sukarnoputri has apparently decided that ordinary Indonesians are ready for direct presidential elections in 2004.


In a sudden about-face, President Megawati Sukarnoputri has apparently decided that ordinary Indonesians are ready for direct presidential elections in 2004.

The turn-around comes after her earlier derisive comments that Indonesians were too violence-prone for the change, which drew a hail of criticism.

Leaders from Ms Megawati's PDI-P party announced over the weekend that they would back direct presidential elections for 2004 and even a popular election in the second round of voting if there was no outright winner.

Confirming this, Mr Jacob Tobing, who heads a PDI-P committee for amending the Constitution, said: 'We would like to have all the regulations required for that completed before then.'

Debate over direct presidential elections and constitutional amendments has gathered momentum because Indonesia's Consultative Assembly (MPR) will meet next month to finalise changes.

Most observers believe the dramatic turn-around stemmed from Ms Megawati's earlier dismissive comments, through her main party spokesman Sutjipto.

Mr Sutjipto had cited violent demonstrations during previous presidential elections and MPR sessions as the key reason why Ms Megawati thought the electorate was not ready for direct elections.

But, ironically, one of the most violent protests was the result of popular anger over the indirect election process in the 1999 presidential election.

PDI-P supporters rioted in 1999 when the MPR failed to elect Ms Megawati as president even though she had gained the most votes in the general election, picking Mr Abdurrahman Wahid instead.

Source: Agencies

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