Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, July 16, 2002

British Foreign Secretary to Boost China-UK Ties

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw on Tuesday pledged to "galvanize" the cooperation between China and the United Kingdom in various spheres.


British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw on Tuesday pledged to "galvanize" the cooperation between China and the United Kingdom in various spheres.

Delivering a speech at China's elite Tsinghua University, Strawsaid the UK was the first Western country to recognize the People's Republic of China and the longevity of their relationship will give both countries a strong basis from which their ties will develop further.

He said he welcomes the regular contacts on major regional and international issues at all levels between the two nations' foreign ministries.

He regarded developments in Hong Kong as "another positive elements in the relationship", saying Hong Kong has prospered since the handover in 1997, and that "One Country, Two Systems" isproving an effective approach.

With the UK being the leading European investor in China, the economic relationship between the two countries has "rarely been healthier", he said, adding the most exciting changes have been inthe links between British and Chinese peoples, which will be enhanced by their tourism and educational exchanges.

The foreign secretary called on all countries, including China and the UK, to increase coordination in multilateral fora for a secure global environment and prosperous world.

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