Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, July 08, 2002

Libyan Leader Pleased with Libya-China Relations

Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi Monday expressed his satisfaction over the current relations between Libya and China.


Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi Monday expressed his satisfaction over the current relations between Libya and China.

In an interview with Xinhua in Durban, the Libyan leader said the bilateral relations have been strengthened and consolidated in the wake of the recent visit of Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

Asked when he will pay a visit to China, Ghaddafi answered, "I am planning to visit China in future, and arrangement is underway."

An official of Libyan Foreign Ministry held that the two countries' cooperation has been further enhanced following the recent visit of the Chinese president, and the two countries have sighed nine cooperative agreements on various fields.

The Chinese president's visit has given Libyan people a deep impression, added the official.

Ghaddafi arrived here Saturday evening to attend the final summit of the Organization of African Union and to be present at the first assembly of the African Union scheduled to be held here on July 9.

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