Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Suicide Bombing Attack Hits Jerusalem, 14 Killed

At least 14 civilians were killed and 40 others wounded Tuesday morning in a Palestinian suicide bombing attack in southern Jerusalem, Israel TV reported.


At least 14 civilians were killed and 40 others wounded Tuesday morning in a Palestinian suicide bombing attack in southern Jerusalem, Israel TV reported.

The suicide bomber blew himself up on a crowded bus at the Pat Junction, which is close to the city's Talpiot industrial area.

All of the wounded have been evacuated to hospitals for treatment, and Israeli security forces and police are still in search of additional bombs in the area.

No Palestinian group claims responsibility for the deadly suicide attack, which occurred against the backdrop of the newly launched Israeli security fence along the 1967 Green Line border.

The fence is aimed at preventing Palestinian extremists from entering Israel to carry out violent attacks.

The attack followed Monday night's Israeli assassination of a senior member of Palestinian mainstream Fatah movement.

Jerusalem police were put on high alert throughout Jerusalem overnight, after receiving a warning that a suicide bomber would be attempting to infiltrate the city.

Police set up roadblocks in various parts of the city, and a police helicopter circled overhead, in an attempt to locate the bomber.

The last suicide bombing in the vulnerable city, which has been suffered quite a few deadly attacks during the 20-month-old conflict, was on April 12 at the Mahaneh Yehuda open-air market, leaving six civilians dead and some 80 others wounded.

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