Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Suicide Bombing Injures 15 in Restaurant North of Tel Aviv

At least 15 people were injured in a suicide bombing attack around 7:50 p.m. (1650 GMT) Tuesday in a restaurant in downtown Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv.


At least 15 people were injured in a suicide bombing attack around 7:50 p.m. (1650 GMT) Tuesday in a restaurant in downtown Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv.

Israel Radio reported that one dead body was found at the site, apparently the bomber, and among the injured, two are in serious condition.

Local rescue personnel said that one of the seriously injured isa young girl and most people only sustained light injuries.

The bombing attack occurred close to the Lev Hair mall and in the very heart of the coastal city.

Eyewitnesses said that the location was not highly populated at the time of explosion. Another source said that at that time there were around 30 people in the restaurant which did not have a security guard.

This was the first suicide bombing in Herzliya since the Palestinian intifada, or uprising, against Israeli occupation started in September 2000.

Local security source said that Israeli police has evacuated civilians from the vicinity of the bombing site for fears that there might be more bombing attacks.

So far no organization has claimed responsibility for the bombing.

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