Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao Meets Annan

Chinese Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao met Monday in Rome with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the sideline of the World Food Summit hosted by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


Chinese Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao met Monday in Rome with United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the sideline of the World Food Summit hosted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Wen, who is also the head of the Chinese delegation to the summit, conveyed greetings from Chinese President Jiang Zemin to Annan, and invited him to visit China again.

Wen said that the past two years have witnessed new development in world political and economic situation, but there are still a number of factors of disturbances and uncertainty, with incessant regional conflicts around the globe.

Meanwhile, economic globalization and the development of new technologies have widened the gap between countries, giving rise to many new problems.

Confronted with such complicated situation and numerous challenges, the people of the world have placed greater expectations on the UN, he noted.

Ever since its birth, the UN has worked unceasingly for world peace and development, and made remarkable achievements and played an irreplaceable role, he said, stressing that the status and role of the UN should be enhanced under the new circumstances.

Wen said that China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, would continue to actively participate in UN affairs, support and work together with its Secretary-General to strengthen China's cooperation with the UN in various fields.

Describing the current world food summit as an important conference, Wen said the issue of food is, in essence, a question of development, which should be resolved within the overall framework of the global development.

As proved by history, there would be no social and economic development without food security, he said, adding that food security can not be guaranteed without the support of social and economic growth.

He stressed that the UN can play an even greater role in promoting social and economic development of various countries.

Wen also briefed Annan on China's experience in resolving the issue of food security.

Annan, on his part, said the UN and China have kept good relations of cooperation, and expressed his thanks to China for its support to the UN.

He said he was pleased to see that China had attached great importance to the issue of food as well as to the current summit.

The UN chief also asked Wen to pass on his greetings and gratitude to Chinese President Jiang Zemin, saying he was looking forward to visiting China again to meet Chinese leaders.

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