Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Over 100 People Missing in Floods in Northwest China

By Monday two people were dead and 108 missing after floods hit Fuping County, a small town at Northwest China's Shaanxi Province at the weekend.


By Monday two people were dead and 108 missing after floods hit Fuping County, a small town at Northwest China's Shaanxi Province at the weekend.

The floods also ravaged 15 kilometers of highway, a large number of houses and some 533 hectares of farm land in the county, according to local flood control authorities.

Fuping was the most seriously affected by heavy rains which poured down on wide areas of Shaanxi during Saturday and Sunday. Other areas have reported varying degrees of flooding following the rain.

Local governments have sent emergency relief personnel and supplies to Fuping County.

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