Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, June 09, 2002

Pakistan Lodges Protest With India Over Spy Plane Incident

Pakistan Saturday lodged a strongprotest with India on the violation of Pakistan's air space by an Indian spy plane on June 7, 2002.


Pakistan Saturday lodged a strongprotest with India on the violation of Pakistan's air space by an Indian spy plane on June 7, 2002.

Vikram Misri, First Secretary at the Indian High Commission in Islamabad, was summoned to the Foreign Office here on Saturday to convey Pakistan's deep concern and strong protest on the deliberate violation of Pakistan's air space by an Indian spy plane, the Associated Press of Pakistan reported.

The incident reflected India's disregard for international norms and the Agreement on Prevention of Air Space Violations and for Permitting-flights and Landings by Military Aircraft signed between the two countries in April 1991, the Foreign Office spokesman stated to Vikram Misri.

The Indian plane was shot down by the Pakistan Air Force on Friday night at 23:00 hours over Pakistani territory close to Lahore.

The Indian Defense Ministry later on the same day admitted thatit had lost an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) over Pakistani territory.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar on Saturday called for restraint between India and Pakistan after the shooting-down of the Indian spy plane.

"Pakistan continues to exercise restraint and responsibility inorder to prevent any aggravation of the situation," Sattar told reporters.

"In a situation like this, responsible states must exercise utmost care to ensure that no provocation be made that might lead to escalation," he said.

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