Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, June 07, 2002

Mine Chief Jailed for Role in Flooding Tragedy

Li Dongming, general manager of a tin mine that flooded last July killing 81 people in southwestern China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was sentenced 20 years in jail for his part in the fatal accident.


Li Dongming, general manager of a tin mine that flooded last July, killing 81 people in southwestern China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was sentenced 20 years in jail for his part in the fatal accident.

Li was found guilty of illegal mining, poor management, covering up the accident and offering bribes. He was also fined 200,000 yuan (US$24,090).

Meanwhile, 22 management staff and workers of the mine were sentenced for their involvement in the disaster.

The Intermediate People's Court of Nanning, capital of Guangxi, decided that the accident happened during the time when the mine was ordered to be closed for repairs.

Li Dongming and his staff conspired with local officials to cover up the accident and concealed the tragedy for half a month.

He also persuaded some workers to provide false evidence during the investigation.

The tragedy last year prompted the central government to investigate and later tighten security measures in mines across the country.

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