Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, June 05, 2002

China Hopes Japan Will Keep Commitment to Non-nuclear Principles

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said Tuesday that he hopes the Japanese government will keep its commitment to its non-nuclear principles.


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said Tuesday that he hopes the Japanese government will keep its commitment to its non-nuclear principles.

Liu made the remark at a regular press conference.

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi reportedly said Monday that it was not wrong for a senior Japanese official to say "there is no constitutional problem over Japan possessing nuclear weapons."

Today, with peace and development the main trend and the progress made in international nuclear disarmament, Liu said, such remarks by the Japanese officials were "shocking".

Up to now, the Japanese government had abided by its three non-nuclear principles, namely, the non-possession, non-production and non-importation of nuclear weapons, Liu noted.

The remarks by senior Japanese officials violated those solemn commitments and principles made previously to the international community and had prompted widespread protests inside Japan and aroused grave concern in neighboring Asian countries and among all peace-loving people worldwide, he added.

"We are sure that the Japanese people can proceed from their fundamental interests and make their own correct judgments and choices accordingly," he said.

The Japanese government has, Liu added, clarified its official stance on the issue of nuclear weapons to China and other relevant countries via diplomatic channels on Tuesday, stressing that it would adhere to the three non-nuclear principles.

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