Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Political Differences Won't Stop Economic Cooperation Across Taiwan Strait

Chinese mainland will stick to its policy of not allowing political differences to influence and interfere with economic cooperation across the Taiwan Strait, says Li Bingcai, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.


Chinese mainland will stick to its policy of not allowing political differences to influence and interfere with economic cooperation across the Taiwan Strait, says Li Bingcai, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

Speaking recently to TV correspondents from Taiwan, Li said while economic globalization was picking up pace, compatriots across the Strait should do more in economic exchanges and cooperation.

He said after both sides had joined the WTO, the mainland would continue to stick to its policy of not allowing political differences to influence and interfere with economic cooperation across the Strait.

It would continue to strictly implement laws and regulations that protect the legitimate rights of Taiwanese investors, he said.

The official said that economic and trade cooperation between the two sides conformed to the wishes of the people across the Strait. The mainland welcomed suggestions in this field from Taiwanese experts, scholars and businessmen.

He said that while transnational companies were showing more interest in the mainland after its entry into the WTO, Taiwan authorities should loosen restrictions on investment in the mainland so as not to lose this opportunity.

He called for direct and bilateral trade across the Strait, saying this would save both time and resources.

The official mentioned that while the mainland had approved a number of Taiwanese transport and financial businesses setting up mainland offices, Taiwan authorities still forbade such mainland businesses establishing offices in Taiwan.

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