Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, May 31, 2002

Two Dead in Mine Gas Explosion in Northeast China

A gas explosion erupted Thursday in a coal mine in northeast China's Liaoning Province has left two people dead, 10 injured and another 12 missing.


A gas explosion erupted Thursday in a coal mine in northeast China's Liaoning Province has left two people dead, 10 injured and another 12 missing.

Miao Xiubin, an official from the safety production administration of Chaoyang City, where the accident happened, confirmed Friday that the 10 injured have been hospitalized, and there is little chance for the 12 missing miners to survive.

The explosion blasted some 660 meters below the water level in the Guanshan well of the mine.

Over 150 rescuers rushed to the site and cleared some 40 meters of the passage in the mine. But, they were still 73 meters away from the blast site by Friday night.

The mine is owned by the Beipiao Coal Mining Co. Ltd, which is a restructured state-owned company. The company went bankrupt last year. Miners and local government raised 38 million yuan (4.57 million U.S. dollars) to help it undergo the restructure. The mining company now employs 7,009 people and has an annual raw coal output of 900,000 tons.

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