Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, May 30, 2002

China's WTO Entry a Good Thing: Mike Moore

China's accession to the WTO is a good thing, for China's market based on a 1.3 billion population means great potential and would bring many opportunities, said WTO Director-General Mike Moore in Mexico May 28.


China's accession to the WTO is a good thing, said WTO Director-General Mike Moore in Mexico May 28.

Moor made the remark at a press conference. He pointed out that Mexican entrepreneurs needn't worry about China's entry. Due to its huge market potential, China's WTO entry would mean an opportunity for Mexico.

Some Mexicans worried that China would become their rival after it became a WTO member. But with the passage of time, as Moore pointed out, they have realized that China's market based on a 1.3 billion population means great potential and would bring many opportunities to Mexico.

By PD Online Staff Member Li Heng

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